Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Central Scouting Players to Watch

The NHL Central Scouting Bureau released their preliminary "Players to Watch" list. Players are broken down into three categories;A, B, and C. The categories as defined thusly:

A Rating - A must see player who is predicted to be a potential First or Second Round Draft selection in the upcoming NHL Entry Draft
B Rating -- A player to note if you are in the area, a potential selection in the
Third to Fifth Round Draft Selection in the upcoming NHL Entry Draft
C Rating - A player that Central Scouting is tracking, a potential late round
selection in the upcoming NHL Entry Draft

My formatting on this is awful, so I apologize, but at least you can see it. I'll post a cleaned up version once I find one.


A Players
OLSEN, DYLAN CAMROSE 03-Jan-1991 6' 2.25" 205 lbs. * D L
B Players
CRAIG, RODGER OKOTOKS 04-Feb-1991 6' 0.0" 176 lbs. LW L
FRITZ, TANNER GRANDE PRAIRIE 20-Aug-1991 5' 10.0" 185 lbs. C L OHIO STATE (2010)
KNIGHT, CORBAN OKOTOKS 10-Sep-1990 6' 1.0" 180 lbs. C R
MACKAY, MATT CALGARY CANUCKS 27-Nov-1990 5' 11.0" 175 lbs. LW R
C Players
MCWILLIAM, CAMERON BROOKS 23-Oct-1990 6' 3.0" 211 lbs. LW L
STEBNER, BRAD FORT MCMURRAY 21-Jan-1990 6' 3.0" 195 lbs. D L MICHIGAN TECH (2009)


B Players
ASHDOWN, ZAC NANAIMO 07-Sep-1991 6' 1.0" 190 lbs. C L
MCKENZIE, CURTIS PENTICTON 21-Feb-1991 6' 1.0" 190 lbs. D L LAKE SUPERIOR (2009)
MCLEOD, WES PRINCE GEORGE 30-Sep-1990 6' 1.0" 185 lbs. D L
C Players
BAKER, JAKE MERRITT 18-Jul-1991 6' 3.0" 200 lbs. D L
BENNETT, SPENCER SURREY 31-Oct-1990 6' 3.0" 185 lbs. LW L
GEDIG, CURTIS MERRITT 14-Sep-1991 6' 3.0" 190 lbs. D L
KANE, CORY VERNON 15-Sep-1990 6' 3.0" 190 lbs. LW L
RIDLEY, MATT COWICHAN VALLEY 17-May-1990 6' 2.0" 210 lbs. D L


B Players
PACAN, DAVID CUMBERLAND 31-Mar-1991 6' 2.0" 190 lbs. C L
SEXTON, BEN NEPEAN 06-Jun-1991 6' 0.0" 180 lbs. C L CLARKSON (2009)




B Players
PIRRI, BRANDON STREETSVILLE 10-Apr-1991 6' 0.0" 170 lbs. C L RENSSELAER (2009)
C Players
MCEACHEN, PATRICK STOUFFVILLE 07-Feb-1991 6' 1.0" 187 lbs. D L U. OF MAINE (2009)
PRATT, DAVID WELLINGTON 12-Jun-1991 6' 0.0" 175 lbs. D L CLARKSON (2009)
SMITH, REILLY ST. MICHAELS 01-Apr-1991 6' 0.0" 160 lbs. RW L
WALSH, DUSTIN TRENTON 20-Mar-1991 6' 2.0" 175 lbs. LW L DARTMOUTH (2009)



US Junior Hockey Leagues (Fall 2008)

C Players
31-Jan-1991 6' 5.0" 175 lbs. D L
CURADI, LUKE HARTFORD 14-May-1991 6' 5.0" 245 lbs. D L
O'DONAGHUE, DAN NY BOBCATS 28-Jan-1991 6' 4.0" 185 lbs. LW L
C Goaltenders
13-Mar-1991 6' 1.0" 200 lbs. G L


A Players
DUMOULIN, BRIAN JR. MONARCHS 06-Sep-1991 6' 3.0" 193 lbs. D L BOSTON COLLEGE (2009)
B Players
CORKUM, KELEN JR. MONARCHS 17-Jul-1990 5' 11.75" 190 lbs. LW R U. OF MAINE (2009)
HERRINGTON, BROOKS JR. MONARCHS 09-Nov-1990 6' 3.0" 200 lbs. C R
C Players
BEATTIE, KYLE JR. MONARCHS 29-May-1991 6' 0.0" 165 lbs. C R
BITETTO, ANTHONY APPLE CORE 15-Jul-1990 6' 0.5" 224 lbs. * D L
PENDENZA, JOSEPH JUNIOR BRUINS 22-Nov-1990 5' 11.0" 178 lbs. * C L
SCHALLER, TIM JR. HUSKIES 16-Nov-1990 6' 1.75" 187 lbs. * D L
SHEA, COLIN JUNIOR BRUINS 12-May-1991 6' 2.0" 160 lbs. * D L UMASS (2009)


C Players
CURE, RANDY FAIRBANKS 05-Apr-1990 6' 5.0" 195 lbs. D L MERCYHURST (2009)
JEAN, KYLE TRAVERSE CITY 01-Mar-1990 6' 3.0" 205 lbs. LW L LAKE SUPERIOR (2009)
KAMRASS, ZACH SPRINGFIELD (IL) 14-Dec-1990 5' 11.0" 185 lbs. D L
KUQALI, ALEX ALPENA 13-Jun-1991 6' 1.0" 170 lbs. D L
NASH, JASON WICHITA FALLS 29-Mar-1991 5' 11.0" 170 lbs. D L
O'NEILL, JOHN NORTH IOWA 04-Apr-1990 5' 11.25" 166 lbs. * C L U. MINN-DULUTH (2009)
QUICK, KYLE ST. LOUIS 13-Mar-1991 5' 11.0" 180 lbs. D L
SULLIVAN, PATRICK KENAI RIVER 18-Aug-1990 6' 1.0" 200 lbs. C R
THORSON, CORY OWATONNA 04-Jul-1990 6' 1.0" 190 lbs. LW L

A Players
BIRKHOLZ, JOSH FARGO 28-Mar-1991 6' 0.5" 182 lbs. * RW R U OF MINNESOTA (2009)
CHIASSON, ALEX DES MOINES 01-Oct-1990 6' 3.5" 187 lbs. * RW R
DAUGHERTY, RYAN OMAHA 16-Apr-1991 6' 2.0" 185 lbs. * RW R
HELGESON, SETH SIOUX CITY 08-Oct-1990 6' 4.5" 220 lbs. * D L U OF MINNESOTA (2009)
LEBLANC, LOUIS OMAHA 26-Jan-1991 6' 0.0" 178 lbs. * C R HARVARD (2009)
MOORE, JOHN CHICAGO 19-Nov-1990 6' 2.0" 189 lbs. * D L COLORADO COLLEGE
OLIVER, NICK FARGO 04-May-1991 6' 2.5" 184 lbs. * C L ST. CLOUD STATE (2009)
SAMUELSSON, PHILIP CHICAGO 26-Jul-1991 6' 2.5" 198 lbs. * D L
THOMPSON, BLAKE SIOUX FALLS 03-Jul-1991 6' 3.0" 210 lbs. * D R U OF MINNESOTA (2009)
B Players
CICHY, MICHAEL TRI-CITY 08-Jul-1990 5' 11.0" 187 lbs. * C L NORTH DAKOTA (2009)
COOK, MAX INDIANA 03-Jun-1990 6' 1.5" 175 lbs. * RW R MIAMI U. (2009)
COSTELLO, JEFF CEDAR RAPIDS 20-Nov-1990 5' 11.5" 190 lbs. * LW L U OF NOTRE DAME (2010)
ESCOBEDO, SEAN TRI-CITY 27-Oct-1990 6' 0.0" 187 lbs. * D L BOSTON UNIVERSITY
GERTHS, DAVID LINCOLN 27-Sep-1990 5' 11.0" 200 lbs. * RW R U OF NOTRE DAME (2010)
GOLEMBIEWSKI, ZACH INDIANA 06-Mar-1991 6' 0.0" 190 lbs. * LW L MICHIGAN STATE (2009)
JENSEN, NICK GREEN BAY 21-Sep-1990 6' 1.0" 187 lbs. * D R
CHICAGO 14-Nov-1990 5' 11.5" 161 lbs. * LW L
MOFFIE, LEE WATERLOO 29-Aug-1990 6' 1.0" 199 lbs. * D L U OF MICHIGAN (2009)
MULLANE, PATRICK OMAHA 31-Jul-1990 5' 11.0" 190 lbs. * LW L BOSTON COLLEGE (2009)
ODDO, NICK CEDAR RAPIDS 27-Feb-1990 6' 0.5" 174 lbs. * RW R NEBRASKA-OMAHA (2009)
PHILLIPS, PAUL CEDAR RAPIDS 16-Jul-1991 6' 0.5" 195 lbs. * D L U OF DENVER (2009)
ZARBO, JOSEPH TRI-CITY 10-Aug-1991 6' 0.0" 170 lbs. * LW L CLARKSON (2009)
C Players
ALBERS, KEVIN GREEN BAY 23-May-1991 5' 11.0" 185 lbs. * D R
BAILEY, MATTHEW TRI-CITY 05-Apr-1991 5' 11.5" 187 lbs. * LW L ALASKA-ANCHORAGE
BARNES, TYLER WATERLOO 13-Feb-1990 6' 0.0" 173 lbs. * RW R U. OF WISCONSIN (2009)
BURKEMPER, JAMES DES MOINES 18-Feb-1991 6' 2.0" 180 lbs. * LW L
CHARTIER, BRETT LINCOLN 28-Jun-1991 5' 8.5" 182 lbs. * C L
DRAKE, CHASE SIOUX CITY 21-Dec-1989 6' 1.0" 170 lbs. * D L U. OF WISCONSIN (2010)
EDDY, DAVID SIOUX FALLS 10-Dec-1989 5' 11.5" 172 lbs. * RW R ST. CLOUD STATE (2009)
FINK, MICHAEL WATERLOO 07-Jul-1990 6' 0.0" 192 lbs. * LW L NORTH DAKOTA (2009)
FLAHERTY, KEEGAN FARGO 25-Mar-1990 5' 10.5" 180 lbs. * LW R
FURNE, RYAN GREEN BAY 12-Dec-1989 6' 1.5" 196 lbs. * C L
HARTZOG, GAVIN FARGO 12-Jun-1990 6' 3.0" 210 lbs. * RW R U. OF WISCONSIN (2010)
LEE, OLEG FARGO 28-Feb-1991 5' 11.5" 195 lbs. * LW L
LEITNER, MATT FARGO 27-Nov-1990 5' 10.0" 165 lbs. * C L
MONTROSE, MICHAEL WATERLOO 26-May-1991 5' 11.5" 168 lbs. * D L
MURPHY, CODY CEDAR RAPIDS 22-Apr-1991 5' 9.5" 176 lbs. * LW L LAKE SUPERIOR (2010)
RUSH, ALEC TRI-CITY 23-Nov-1990 6' 1.0" 208 lbs. * D R PRINCETON (2010)
WATERLOO 28-May-1990 6' 3.0" 198 lbs. * LW L BOWLING GREEN (2009)
SPINELL, STEVEN FARGO 09-Sep-1990 6' 1.5" 218 lbs. * D R MIAMI U. (2009)
THAUWALD, CHARLIE CHICAGO 13-Nov-1990 6' 2.5" 210 lbs. * RW R
WALTERS, RYAN DES MOINES 30-Jul-1991 5' 10.5" 185 lbs. * C L U OF MINNESOTA (2010)
WEY, PATRICK WATERLOO 21-Mar-1991 6' 2.5" 203 lbs. * D R
A Goaltenders
LEE, MICHAEL FARGO 05-Oct-1990 6' 1.0" 185 lbs. * G L ST. CLOUD STATE (2009)
B Goaltenders
CRANDALL, AARON DES MOINES 25-Mar-1990 6' 0.5" 189 lbs. * G L U. OF WISCONSIN (2009)
HOWE, JOSEPH WATERLOO 05-Mar-1990 6' 0.0" 188 lbs. * G L COLORADO COLLEGE
TEGLIA, JEFF OMAHA 24-Jun-1991 6' 0.0" 182 lbs. * G L
C Goaltenders
STREMMEL, HUDSON CHICAGO 24-Jul-1991 6' 0.0" 175 lbs. * G L
Limited Viewing
WITT, CLAY SIOUX FALLS 24-Aug-1991 6' 1.0" 186 lbs. G L
JOHNSON, MATTHEW WATERLOO 16-May-1991 5' 10.0" 180 lbs. * RW R
KRUG, TOREY INDIANA 12-Apr-1991 5' 7.0" 168 lbs. * D L
PETERSON, GARRETT LINCOLN 13-Sep-1991 5' 10.0" 185 lbs. * RW R U OF NOTRE DAME (2010)

US High School East (Fall 2008)

A Players
BENNETT, MAC HOTCHKISS SCHOOL 25-Mar-1991 5' 11.5" 170 lbs. * D L U OF MICHIGAN (2010)
B Players
DEBLOIS, DEREK HOTCHKISS SCHOOL 19-Feb-1991 5' 10.75" 175 lbs. * C R
RAYNER, WILLIAM SOUTH KENT SCHOOL 19-Jan-1990 6' 1.0" 185 lbs. D R
VASATURO, CHARLES AVON OLD FARMS 07-Dec-1990 6' 2.25" 180 lbs. * D R
C Players
CARRABINO, JOE AVON OLD FARMS 17-Feb-1991 6' 5.0" 210 lbs. D R
GARLASCO, MICHAEL THE GUNNERY 02-Apr-1990 5' 10.25" 170 lbs. * LW R
HUGHES, KYLE SALISBURY 14-Oct-1990 5' 11.5" 176 lbs. * C L
MCINTYRE, NICHOLAS KENT SCHOOL 25-Mar-1990 5' 11.5" 190 lbs. D L
PELTZ, BRAD AVON OLD FARMS 02-Oct-1989 6' 1.0" 185 lbs. LW R YALE (2010)
SILENGO, JEFFREY SOUTH KENT SCHOOL 26-Feb-1990 6' 0.5" 170 lbs. C R
B Goaltenders
MORRIS, CAB HOTCHKISS SCHOOL 04-Sep-1991 6' 3.0" 180 lbs. G R
RACINE, STEVEN TAFT SCHOOL 28-Aug-1991 6' 2.0" 177 lbs. G L
C Goaltenders
BONDURANT, NICK CHOATE-ROSEMARY 01-Mar-1991 5' 11.0" 166 lbs. * G L
VAZZANO, ALEX THE GUNNERY 14-Oct-1990 6' 0.0" 190 lbs. * G L UNION COLLEGE (2010)

A Players
KREIDER, CHRIS ANDOVER 30-Apr-1991 6' 2.0" 201 lbs. * C L BOSTON COLLEGE (2010)
B Players
WHITNEY, STEVEN LAWRENCE 18-Feb-1991 5' 7.0" 160 lbs. C R BOSTON COLLEGE (2009)
C Players
AMMON, ANDREW DEERFIELD 02-May-1990 5' 10.5" 171 lbs. * C L PRINCETON (2010)
GOLDBERG, JACOB BERKSHIRE 21-Jun-1991 5' 11.0" 185 lbs. LW R
HOURIHAN, MARK NOBLES 04-Apr-1991 6' 2.5" 200 lbs. * RW R
KELLEY, STEPHEN DEERFIELD 15-Oct-1990 6' 5.0" 212 lbs. W R
LAGANIERE, ANTOINE DEERFIELD 05-Jul-1990 6' 4.0" 185 lbs. C L YALE (2009)
LATTA, ANDREW TABOR ACADEMY 25-Apr-1991 6' 1.0" 185 lbs. D L
SULLIVAN, KEVIN BERKSHIRE 25-Jan-1991 6' 0.0" 180 lbs. * RW L
VERONESI, KEITH BERKSHIRE 14-Feb-1991 6' 1.25" 184 lbs. * LW L
YOUNG, GUS NOBLES 10-Jul-1991 6' 3.0" 190 lbs. D L
C Goaltenders
CONDON, MICHAEL BELMONT HILL 27-Apr-1990 6' 1.75" 182 lbs. * G L PRINCETON (2009)
KOMM, BRANDEN NORTHFIELD-MT.HERMON 19-Mar-1991 6' 0.5" 187 lbs. G L
B Players
LARKIN, THOMAS EXETER 31-Dec-1990 6' 4.5" 206 lbs. * D R COLGATE (2009)
C Players
HOLDERNESS 15-Apr-1991 6' 2.0" 180 lbs. * RW R

C Players
VELISCHEK, ALEX DELBARTON WAVE 17-Dec-1990 6' 0.0" 200 lbs. D L PROVIDENCE (2009)
B Players
POKULOK, NIK NORTHWOOD SCHOOL 09-May-1990 6' 5.0" 210 lbs. D L CLARKSON (2009)
C Players
MACLAUGHLIN, BEN NORTHWOOD SCHOOL 18-May-1990 5' 10.25" 202 lbs. * RW R

A Players
BUDISH, ZACH EDINA HIGH 09-May-1991 6' 2.5" 229 lbs. * RW R U OF MINNESOTA (2009)
DELISLE, DANIEL TOTINO GRACE 24-Sep-1990 6' 4.0" 222 lbs. * C L U. MINN-DULUTH (2009)
HANOWSKI, BEN LITTLE FALLS H.S. 18-Oct-1990 6' 1.5" 198 lbs. * RW L ST. CLOUD STATE (2009)
HAULA, ERIK SHAT.ST.MARY'S 23-Mar-1991 5' 11.0" 170 lbs. * LW L
LEDDY, NICK EDEN PRAIRIE 20-Mar-1991 5' 11.0" 179 lbs. * D L U OF MINNESOTA (2009)
MATTSON, DANNY HOLY ANGELS 20-Nov-1990 5' 10.0" 174 lbs. * C R NORTH DAKOTA (2009)
B Players
EVERSON, MARSHALL EDINA HIGH 05-Sep-1990 6' 1.5" 190 lbs. * LW L HARVARD (2009)
SHAT.ST.MARY'S 15-Sep-1990 6' 2.0" 192 lbs. * RW R HARVARD (2009)
GOTOVETS, KIRILL SHAT.ST.MARY'S 25-Jun-1991 5' 10.5" 175 lbs. * D L
LEE, ANDERS EDINA HIGH 03-Jul-1990 6' 2.0" 209 lbs. * C L
MONTGOMERY, BEN SHAT.ST.MARY'S 27-Mar-1991 6' 0.0" 190 lbs. * D L
SCHMIDT, NATE ST. CLOUD CATHEDRAL 16-Jul-1991 6' 0.0" 197 lbs. * D L U OF MINNESOTA (2010)
SCHMITZ, JOE CENTENNIAL 15-Feb-1991 6' 1.5" 190 lbs. * D R
SCOTT, BERKLEY ANOKA HIGH SCHOOL 08-Nov-1990 6' 2.0" 191 lbs. * C R
TARDY, MAX DULUTH EAST 27-Oct-1990 5' 11.5" 168 lbs. * C R U. MINN-DULUTH (2009)
C Players
ALFIERI, SAM SHAT.ST.MARY'S 10-Mar-1991 5' 9.5" 168 lbs. * RW R
BERGLUND, IZAAK LITTLE FALLS H.S. 27-Feb-1991 6' 0.0" 204 lbs. * D L
ROMANICK, NICK BISMARK 26-May-1991 6' 2.0" 200 lbs. * D L
TAFT, CHARLIE EDINA HIGH 12-Sep-1991 6' 1.0" 173 lbs. * RW R
ZEPEDA, TYLER HILL-MURRAY 16-Jan-1991 5' 8.0" 155 lbs. * C R
C Goaltenders
HEMINGWAY, MATT ALEXANDRIA 04-Feb-1991 5' 5.5" 138 lbs. * G L
Limited Viewing
LAPIC, TYLER NEW PRAGUE 10-Jan-1991 6' 2.0" 183 lbs. C L U. OF WISCONSIN (2010)
PALMQUIST, ZACH SOUTH ST.PAUL 09-Dec-1990 5' 11.0" 157 lbs. * D L

C Players
AMUNDSON, ALEX BROOKFIELD 13-Aug-1991 6' 3.0" 177 lbs. * D R
C Players
PAULIDES, BEN SAN JOSE JR. SHARKS 26-Aug-1991 6' 1.0" 210 lbs. D R
SENKBEIL, DANIEL SAN JOSE JR. SHARKS 07-Sep-1991 6' 3.0" 185 lbs. D L


A Players
BOURQUE, RYAN USA U-18 03-Jan-1991 5' 8.5" 163 lbs. * C R NEW HAMPSHIRE (2009)
BROWN, CHRIS USA U-18 03-Feb-1991 6' 2.0" 191 lbs. * C R U OF MICHIGAN (2009)
MORIN, JEREMY USA U-18 16-Apr-1991 6' 0.5" 189 lbs. * LW R
PALMIERI, KYLE USA U-18 01-Feb-1991 5' 10.0" 191 lbs. * C R U OF NOTRE DAME (2009)
SHORE, DREW USA U-18 29-Jan-1991 6' 2.5" 190 lbs. * C R U OF DENVER (2009)
WRENN, WILLIAM USA U-18 16-Mar-1991 6' 0.5" 190 lbs. * D R U OF DENVER (2009)
B Players
AMBURGEY, TYLER USA U-18 06-May-1991 6' 2.5" 200 lbs. * D R
D'AMIGO, JERRY USA U-18 19-Feb-1991 5' 10.5" 196 lbs. * RW L RENSSELAER (2009)
HENRION, JOHN USA U-18 19-Jan-1991 5' 11.75" 201 lbs. * C R NEW HAMPSHIRE (2009)
LYNCH, KEVIN USA U-18 23-Apr-1991 6' 1.0" 190 lbs. * C R U OF MICHIGAN (2009)
MCCARTHY, CHRIS USA U-18 30-Jul-1991 6' 0.0" 170 lbs. * LW R BOSTON COLLEGE (2010)
RAMAGE, JOHN USA U-18 07-Feb-1991 6' 0.5" 184 lbs. * D R
REMPEL, BRENDAN USA U-18 24-Apr-1991 6' 2.0" 199 lbs. * D R HARVARD (2009)
RYAN, KENNY USA U-18 10-Jul-1991 6' 0.0" 204 lbs. * RW R BOSTON COLLEGE (2009)
VALEK, DAVID USA U-18 19-Mar-1991 6' 2.0" 199 lbs. * RW R
C Players
CALABRESE, SAM USA U-18 18-Mar-1991 5' 9.5" 165 lbs. * D R U OF NOTRE DAME (2009)
CROWLEY, RICHIE USA U-18 09-May-1991 6' 0.0" 180 lbs. * D L
TREAIS, A.J. USA U-18 04-Feb-1991 5' 7.0" 160 lbs. * RW R U OF MICHIGAN (2009)
A Goaltenders
MAXWELL, BRANDON USA U-18 22-Mar-1991 6' 0.0" 195 lbs. * G L BOSTON COLLEGE (2009)
B Goaltenders
MURRAY, ADAM USA U-18 28-Mar-1991 6' 1.5" 192 lbs. * G L U OF DENVER (2009)


Anonymous said...

THOMPSON, BLAKE SIOUX FALLS 03-Jul-1991 6' 3.0" 210 lbs. * D R U OF MINNESOTA (2009)

When did Thompson commit? I don't remember seeing any announcement. Heisenberg doesn't have it and Gopherpuck has him listed as recruiting target.

Anonymous said...

I don't ever remember the USDT not having a U of Minnesota recruit on its team.

Anonymous said...

Mn parents chose to raise own kids and not turn them over to lawlessness of NTDP. Saw examples of good families giving over talented players to only later have regrets. Hagemo troubles, Carmen academic struggles. Having "hockey guys" raise your kids is asking for trouble. The system of priviledge without accoutability isn't one they were willing to put their children in.

Anonymous said...

Ha, Ha, hagemo's parents moved to NTDP, and see where it got them. the "Hockey guys" wern't born yesterday. what a foolish comment on Minnie kids.

Anonymous said...

Keep an eye open for Luke Curadi: 6'6" 250lb 1991 defenceman on the Hartford Junior Wolf Pack...he will be moving up the list very quickly

Anonymous said...

Weren't born yesterday but think because they were good at hockey so they and their prodigies are above the law. The DWI's, cheating, theft, minor consumes that are common place in the program are proof of the "good ole boy" menality. 16,17 and 18 year olds try limits and without them and strong guidance things go wrong. This program has been wrought with problems all paid for by USA hockey fees. Until someone cares to police the program it will continue to lose top talent, especially from a MN a state where develop happens without leaving home.

Anonymous said...

hagemo used meth and bacame a meth head because he went to usndt, hahahaha..funny stuff. man is their arrogance when it comes to minny high school kids. funny stuff. there are many great players but its not the old days when they go play for the gophers, now they will play where they wana play. the sioux are gettign great minny players in the next few years as sconnie has gotten a few, hagemo is a loser. sorry. didnt have anythin to do with usa hockey

Anonymous said...

So Frazee flunked out, Mueller could'nt get in to Minnie, Hagemo, etc. All fine example of Minnie development. don't blame a short period of their lives idiot. You just don't unerdtand the learning curve. it starts a home, in Minnie for example. so the examples you stated only happen at NTDP? Give me a break and check the USHL and OHL rap sheets. NTDP is much better option and an honor to represent. You socialist.

anon said...

It does start at home and there is plenty of "lawlessness" that happens on Minnesota High School teams where the boys are right under their parents' noses.

Anonymous said...

Frazee,Mueller,Hagemo,Carmen all talented athletes but needed supervision and guidance not a free ride with a get-of-trouble for free card. Sure parents need to be responsible but just too many of these crimes and academic problems at a program that claims pride in representing our country, discipline, and character. And we are suprised when the Olympic hockey players trash their hotels? Where is the accountability, respect and appreciation for the opps being given. Get it under control boys or parents won't be letting their sons participate. You lost a lot of top players this year who stayed home.

Anonymous said...

Again, you don't understand....there are plenty of good, respectful, driven, team players OUTSIDE of the Minnie zone.
They can stay in minnie, shattuck, where ever. The kids there are missing the boat. NTDP does not miss "individuals" who play hockey and self centered parents who have to hold there kids hands all the time. See ya Minnie kids.

Anonymous said...

i agree to a kinder degree, minnesota hockey at one time was the end all be all of preparing kids for the next level (for those who want to go on to college, etc,, and play) just look at the mn high school boys who have a tougher time at the ushl level and end up being traded to an NAHL team or just released. The prolific goal scorer in high school may not score 1/4 of what they did playing high schoool hockey in mn. Definitely not as prepared for the 60 game season or the extensive travel almost every weekend, even with the elite league. The triple A midget boys are used to the grind, being away from home and it shows........there are always the exceptions for mn boys who stay and play their high school seasons, ness, mcdonaugh etc,,,,who go on and perform just great at the next level D1 college and maybe pros... Times have changed

Anonymous said...

MN high school boys true freshmen, Gardner,Murray,Stepan. Took them in over early commits, Smith Montpetit,Erstad(who decommited), Wiercoch(who put them to shame) Guess Wisconsin who is run by a former NTDP guy sure still likes those MN boys right out of high school

Anonymous said...

Murray and Stepan are shattuck boys not mn high school boys.

Anonymous said...


Hmmm lets see, a program for the very few elite paid for the by the masses = the NTDP.

O.K I get it now

The U.S. is fast on its way to becoming the biggest socialist country on the planet...the NTDP was just a head of its time is all!

Anonymous said...

MN High school hockey boys commiting to wisconsin? Erstad Played for WI high school hockey and Team Wisconsin... not MN. And he decommited and went to his hometown for D-3 college at Stevens Point, homesick.

Anonymous said...

post stated Eaves took MN hs boys over early recruits of which Erstad was one. Never said early recruits were MN boys.

Anonymous said...

Hodson for the Brown Bears in Kenai is working hard,intense team they will be contenders soon with his varsity talent it will definitely make a impact.

Anonymous said...

Nobody here knows what they are talking about. I invited to Ann Arbor 8 years ago and tried out for the u-17 USNTDP. If I would have made the team I would have loved to have played their and lived with the family they set me up with. If you don't have any experiance with this stuff then you shouldn't say anything. Before that I played for Shattuck St. Mary's and lived in one of their dorms. After Shattuck I transfered to the Berkshire School in New England and played there and had a great experiance. My experiance shows that when a boarding school is poorly run is can be just as if not more unruly than a bad billot family. Shattuck has a good hockey program but the school itself is horrible along with the teachers and dormitories. the USNTDP is probably the best program for young men in this country.