Thursday, March 09, 2006

Conference Playoffs Open Thread

I've never tried this before, so hopefully this goes well.

I had promised previews for all the playoff series, but with my trip to St. Paul and mid-term exams, it never got done. I'm leaving for Michigan tomorrow so I won't be around to do much over the weekend.

So I'm putting the onus on you the reader. If you have a prediction or witty remark to make about any of the games this weekend, feel free to leave a comment on this thread. Or, once you get back from a game this weekend, leave your thoughts on the games.


gobe said...

Looking in from the east I like Tech in an upset tonight and I like UAF to give State all they can handle. I think 3 of the 4 CCHA match ups are all pretty intriguing and could go either way. Western has the longest odds, but anything can happen.

Eric J. Burton said...

Not going to happen tech is two and done. The BADgers are too strong for them.