Wednesday, September 28, 2005

New Blogs to Mention

I've made an addition of three more blogs to the linkbar on the side.

The first, is the Bruce Ciskie Blog. In a massive oversight on my part, I forgot to add the blog of Duluth radio host Bruce Ciskie. Be sure to check it out in about a week for his massive WCHA preveiw. There should be some quality information there.

The website, which for a decade now has been the best place to get information on Alaska-Fairbanks hockey, has taken a page out of Michigan College Hockey's book, and reconstituted itself in blog form at

Finally, Denver fan Damien Goddard, who some may remember as the big guy in the toga at the 2004 Frozen Four, has escaped the wrath of Hurricane Rita in Houston and emerged with our second Denver hockey blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, have you given up on your WCHA preview/predictions??